Illustration & Design




An ongoing project of a series of illustrations inspired in yogic practices. Merging my two passions art a yoga. With the hope to inspire and provoke curiosity to people that haven't had any contact with this amazing ancient science and system of mental and physical training. A visual storytelling of my own process.  Yoguis connection with nature gave them a deeper wisdom and understanding of our own bodies. Most asanas (posture) are linked with animals. The names of each posture are more a literal description of what happens in the body and the inspiration behind it.  The following illustrations are and interpretation of those names. Sanskrit is the original classical indian language that this names come from.

In addition the floral elements represent the force or energy of nature that rules the knowledge of all things. We are not "made" by nature but rather we grow from it, within. It's a flourishing of all things connected in the universe. 

 "All knowledge the the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind".    -Swami Vivekananda




Svarga Dvidasana



BAKASANA, crow pose. Bakāsana (SanskritबकासनCrane Pose), often used interchangeably with Kakasana. baka ("crane") or kak ("crow"), and asana (आसन) meaning "posture" or "seat". A balancing pose. Losing the fear to fall in your face is the first thought, once you realize it's about concentration and integration of all parts of your body this pose is pretty easy, like most.


simha = lion

After losing the fear of looking like an idiot while you pretend to be a lion, this posture is very beneficial for your pretty face. Muscles of the face get a massage, improving circulation and releasing tension. Works with your throat's platysma and vishuddha among many other benefits.


EKA PADA RAJAPOTASANA | One-legged king pigeon pose

 "raja" (राज) meaning "king", kapota (कपोत) meaning "pigeon"

Hip opener, back bedder.

Truly one of my favorites, always in my practice Eka pada rajakapotasana or One-legged king pigeon pose. Beautiful feeling of expansion. Intense hip opener, stretches the thighs, groins, and abdomen. If you have tight hips this will be your best friend. Overall, once achieved this pose offers a powerful feeling of openness energizing your entire body.



Shava (शव, Śava) meaning "corpse"

Shavasana or "corpse pose" is one of the most difficult and important asanas. We try to relax and stay still. At an energetic level this is the moment where your body it's transformed. It recovers from the practice, absorbing the benefits of prior asanas. Also, bringing yourself to mimic a dead body can be a powerful and beautiful message. Remembering our existance and it's temporary nature. Reflecting in the perception of impermanence might be a way to be more present and enjoy the very moment in which you are breathing. Not to take this to the dark side since as westerners we are used to avoid this topic, while in other places like Tibet, your entire life is a preparation for dead. Easily could be the favorite of most serious yoguis. For an hour practice take at least 5 juicy mins of this pose!

Lord of the Dance Pose | Natarajasana

(not-ah-raj-AHS-anna) nata = actor, dancer, mime raja = king

Cosmic Dancer Shiva Nataraja is portrayed in Hindu mythology as the aspect of Shiva whose ecstatic dance of destruction lays the foundation for the creation and sustenance of the universe. 



A symbolic hand gesture used in Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies and statuary, and in Indian dance.
